What is RTT®?

Short answer: 

The bullet train (as opposed to the horse-drawn carriage) to lasting behavioural change.

Long answer:

Developed by therapist Marisa Peer, RTT® (Rapid Transformational Therapy) is a therapeutic approach designed to bring about rapid and lasting transformation in clients. RTT® uses hypnosis as a tool to access the subconscious mind to address deep-seated beliefs, emotions, and thought patterns, and in addressing the root cause of various emotional/behavioural issues, rewriting beliefs and rewiring the brain, RTT® enables clients to experience lasting behavioural change.

RTT® draws from Gestalt, solution-focused and cognitive behavioural therapy, traditional and modern hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic programming, the principles of neuroplasticity and mindfulness. It is used to address a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, addictions, anger management, self-esteem, weight management, and more.

How is RTT® different from traditional therapies? 

RTT® is efficient in that it achieves results in a shorter time frame compared to traditional therapies.

Rather than focus on symptom management, RTT® places a strong emphasis on changing core beliefs and patterns of behaviour (that has its roots in the subconscious) by identifying and addressing the root cause of their issue. Once that has been achieved, clients are empowered to challenge and dismantle the limiting core beliefs driving their issue and replacing those beliefs with positive, self-affirming ones. RTT® frees clients from the past and allows them to move forward to who and how they want to be.

Additionally, while hypnotherapy is a central component of RTT®, RTT® does not rely solely on positive reinforcement as it also includes the utilisation of neuroplasticity to create new neural pathways in the brain and new beliefs in the mind.

How does it work?

  1. You are guided into a deeply relaxed state to focus on memories related to the presenting issue.

  2. I will work with you to uncover the meaning you created and the beliefs you formed from the interpretation of those memories.

  3. You then reframe those beliefs with your adult perspective today.

  4. Once that has been achieved, I will work with you to create new, positive beliefs. These new beliefs are reinforced with a personalised audio for you to listen to for 21-30 days following the session, in order to establish beneficial, permanent change going forward.

Is RTT® traditional or modern hypnosis?

RTT® is a mix of both traditional and modern hypnosis in that its approach is both script-based/direct and Ericksonian/indirect.

Who is RTT® for?

Anyone who is tired of talking about how they feel over and over again and is looking for something more than just managing their feelings, anyone who already has awareness of their issue(s) and and wants a solution-driven process for #realchange.

What can RTT® help with? 

  • Addictions - Alcohol / Smoking / Vaping / Drugs / Gambling / Sex / Porn / Shopping / Video games / Social media / Phone / Netflix / Sugar / Exercise / Work etc

  • Compulsive behaviour / OCD / Hoarding

  • Anxiety / Panic attacks / Stress

  • Fears / Phobias

  • Guilt / Shame

  • Anger

  • Grief / Sadness / Loss

  • Divorce / Separation

  • PTSD / C-PTSD / Traumatic event

  • Hypervigilance / Inability to relax

  • Emotional blocks

  • Difficulty receiving / accepting love

  • Childhood trauma

  • Insomnia / Sleep issues

  • Depression

  • Low confidence / Self-esteem / Self-belief / Second-guessing yourself

  • Imposter syndrome / Feelings of unworthiness

  • Insecurity

  • Self-sabotage

  • Relationships

  • Weight issues

  • Body image issues

  • Anorexia / Bulimia / Orthorexia

  • Career issues / Lack of purpose

  • Burnout

  • Lack of motivation / Procrastination / Difficulty achieving goals

  • Difficulty achieving goals

  • Nerves / Interview Skills / Public Speaking

  • Concentration / Focus / Memory

  • Writer's Block / Creative Block

  • Exams

  • Sexual issues

  • Fertility / IVF / Conception / Pregnancy / Birth

  • Health Issues - COPD / Diabetes / Poor recovery from illness / Chronic Fatigue etc

  • Autoimmune Issues - Lupus / Rheumatoid arthritis / Crohn's disease / Graves' disease etc

  • Physical Issues - Chronic pain / Mobility / Hair loss / Excessive sweating / Migraine / Headache / Hearing / Vision etc / Grinding teeth etc

  • Skin issues - Acne / rosacea / eczema etc

  • Sports / Competition performance

  • Money blocks